Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Anyone read any good books lately?  Anyone have time?  I find that if I have a good book, I make the time...sometimes even instead of watching TV!  Summertime is the best for new books.  
I jumped on the Fifty Shades and Christian Grey bandwagon with all of my girlfriends.  The first book started slow and then quickly got what? hot, weird, sexy, exciting, strange?  By the second book I was into the story but now I am stuck on the third book.  I will finish it eventually but I needed a break.  Plus my FAVORITE authors are both releasing new books this July.

I am currently reading "The Next Best Thing" by Jennifer Weiner and really liking it.  The book is about a writer that becomes a Hollywood showrunner.  She is a great storyteller, easy to read and get into the story.  

I am most looking forward to Emily Giffin's new novel, "Where We Belong" coming out next Tuesday.  If you have not read any of her novels check them out.  I have already pre-ordered for my Kindle.  She is the only author I actually get excited about.

Happy Reading!

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